Experiencing Amazing Transformation

Navigating Life's Challenges: Overcoming Anxiety and Finding Faith

January 23, 2024 Kimberly Stewart Season 3 Episode 8

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Struggling with anxiety and fear is a battle many of us know all too well, a fight I've faced head-on in the bustling throngs of life's unrelenting demands. In sharing my story of overcoming social anxiety, I hope to connect with you on a deeper level, revealing the small yet powerful steps that can lead us from the confines of our fears into the freedom of engagement. Together, we'll explore the complexities of adhering to a life of faith amidst the daily grind. It's a candid look into the continuous effort needed to rise above our imperfections, leaning on the strength found within our community for support and accountability. 

In a world where tomorrow isn't promised, embracing positivity and gratitude becomes our shield against life's unpredictability. As I offer up a prayer for encouragement and blessings, I invite you to reflect on staying hopeful regardless of your current season. This episode weaves through personal vulnerabilities, the stark realities of faith, and the touching encounter with a young man courageously fighting addiction, reminding us all of the profound impact God's presence has in our lives. It's an open-hearted discussion, designed to uplift and guide you toward a place where your light can shine its brightest.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, how are you guys doing? I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday and a bright new year. So far, I know I haven't been on in a little bit and if I can be honest, it's just been because of life. Life can be terrifying at times and, being of someone that constantly wants to shine bright and be a light of encouragement to everyone around, it's kind of hard to not always shine. So life is happening to all of us.

Speaker 1:

Good things are happening, bad things are happening, and some of us sometimes allow those things to stop us from doing what God has called us to do or what we're supposed to be doing. We almost allow it to paralyze us, and that is not God's will for us. We are supposed to keep pushing forward, through the good, through the bad, through the hard times. We are supposed to keep persevering, moving forward. But I'm here to tell you that. I am truly here to tell you that it's not that easy. It's not always that easy. It can be, but the truth is it's not. We wanna move forward. We don't wanna beat ourselves up over the things that have paralyzed us, whether it be a loss of a job, a loss of a family member, a loss of a friend, issues at home, financial issues, birth of a baby, a new car, new job, success, meeting new people, meeting new people, meeting old people. You see what I mean. Like, it could be good things and it could be bad things, or difficult times, or either can be captivating as well as paralyzing. Life can be overwhelming with good things and bad things. I wanna encourage you, as I'm encouraging myself don't stay there, whether it's good or bad situations. I don't want you to stay in a paralyzed state. Don't stay in that state where it's difficult. Don't stay in that state of what some would call procrastination.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna tell you that procrastination is a symptom of being paralyzed, because you can be paralyzed and they tell you there's ways to get around it. There's ways you can go to rehab and get better. You can just do small movements in order to gain your strength back. They are paralyzed in your mindset. There are small exercises, conversations, different word, tactics, phrases that you can do that will keep you from being completely paralyzed or get you back into movement or conversations, get you back to who you are.

Speaker 1:

Procrastination could be a symptom, meaning I can say oh, I'll do it tomorrow. Oh, I'll do it later, oh, I'll get to it. But being completely paralyzed by the things that are happening in your life can cause you to not even procrastinate, but just not do. Procrastination is doing something up until a moment and then you just stop. Or yeah, you start it and you just I'm done, I'll get back to it, and you just stop. You don't complete something.

Speaker 1:

I wanna encourage you not to procrastinate, but also get out of that paralyzed state. You don't have to stay there. Don't waddle in being successful. Trust me, it's okay. Don't waddle in fear of being a good mother. You are a good mother. Don't waddle in the fear of being a good father. You are a good father. You will be a good father. Keep pushing forward. Let your light shine.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying all this because I'm in a stage of my life where I'm losing people, but I'm also gaining people, and it's scary to me y'all, it truly is. It's scary. For those that don't know, I was diagnosed with social anxiety a few years back and just talking with another young lady and her having the same. We are excellent with 101 when you have social anxiety. If you talk to anyone with social anxiety, they are great performers. Most of them that I know, brought up in a church sang, danced, maybe even gave affirmation words of encouragement, can bring a crowd but is overwhelmed by so many people in one room and it's scary. So I was talking to a young lady and it just blew me away that the very explanation I had been trying to tell people for years just came out.

Speaker 1:

When you have social anxiety, you meet good people and you talk with them and you have a good time and you're you with them. You can be honest and open, as I am with everyone that I come in contact with. But then, when it's time to be social, you guys go out to eat or have more of that time and they want to get you in with a bigger group of people. They want to introduce you to more people and it's like, okay, can we do this another time? It was so bad for me that I would tell people that I was at work or I would tell people I just couldn't make it or my kids got sick, anything, not to speak bad over my children, but I would say and do whatever I could to get out of being around Huge crowds. For years before COVID happened, I went grocery shopping at Walmart two, three o'clock in the morning because I was absolutely terrified of big crowds and I love people. I absolutely love people, but for years I was scared of people. Yeah, for years, for years, I was scared of people. For as long as I can remember.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying all of this to let you know that, although I may have been diagnosed with social anxiety and I may seem to some people like I act funny or I don't have enough time for them or I'm just too busy, god is a delivery y'all. Every single day that I wake, god has set me free from that. I am now more comfortable in a crowd of people than I could ever imagine. I am now saddened by the fact that I'm not invited to family functions or different parties, and the only reason why I'm saddened is because and that's a good thing for me there was a time I didn't care, I could care less, because I was so okay with the phrase introvert. I was okay with me and my kids being at home and laying in the bed. I was good. When now, god is allowing me to speak more, to be open and honest about the things that I've seen going through, healed from y'all, I'm healing every single day from the fact that I was afraid of people and I am so excited about my healing process and how it looks and how it may seem to other people, how it may even seem to some of my family members.

Speaker 1:

No one knows what you're going through but you. No one knows your story but you. I have heard, oh, I lived in the house with you for 15, 16, 17, 18 years. One of the truth is no, you didn't. No, you didn't. I know. People say you don't know someone until you live with them. You can grow in a house with someone and still not know them. You can raise people and not know them. So, with that being said, god is such a healer, god is a deliverer and, just like that, god can deliver you from what you fear.

Speaker 1:

But I'm here to tell you something. I said all that to let you know that the very thing that I feared, or the enemy wanted me to feel like, I had an issue with and would never be free from, is the very thing that I'm called to, and that's people I'm called to, the very thing I have feared all my life. Let you marinate with that one. Are you struggling right now with something that you feel like you will never get over Heartache, pain, difficulty, finances. Most people that I know that battle with their finances are anointed to be debt-free, are anointed to help someone else get out of poverty. What is it that you are sitting there, frightened of what is that thing? What is that? One thing, two things, whatever that looks like for you. What is that thing that you're sitting there and you're terrified to do? You're terrified to be around. What is it? I'm here to let you know that you're anointed for it. The enemy just is twisted it. The very thing that you are called to do. The enemy will use, or the world will use, in a perverted way. It'll be the complete opposite of what God called you to do. You'll be great at it.

Speaker 1:

I have been called to people and I am great at speaking to people. I am great at influencing people. I'm great at encouraging people. I'm great at what God called me to do. I'm great at being the light that God called me to do, but the world wanted me to believe that it was not for me. You're safe if you just stay home. You're safe if you just don't go around too many people at one time. You're safe if you talk to one person or two people at a time You're safe. And then, when that started happening, people, people, oh that can't be her real story. That can't be her life. She's a liar. She's this, she's that. They tried to twist, pervert who you are. She really not scared of people. She really not. They don't know.

Speaker 1:

Don't allow people to pervert your anointing, your gift. You don't pervert your anointing and your gift. Don't do it. You don't do it and you don't allow people to do it. Don't do it. So, if you're called to be a bookkeeper, you do not have to finagle those numbers. You're anointed to teach someone how to do it properly. God has given you that gift. If you're anointed to put things in alphabetical order, don't go and put things all discombobulated so somebody else can go. Try to figure out your method. Do it right. You're anointed to teach someone how to. That could be dyslexic. They may have called you dyslexic. When you just see things differently, allow God to use you in a different way to help someone move forward in this life.

Speaker 1:

It's hard right now, y'all. It's not just hard for me. It's hard right now. It's hard. It's hard. I could talk for hours. It is hard right now. The more I pray, the more God is sending people to cry out. It's hard for a lot of people right now, and not just in relationships, not just losing family members, not just losing jobs. But it's hard for us not to go back to what's comfortable, not to go back to sin. It's hard right now. It's hard. The enemy makes things look so good and so easy.

Speaker 1:

I want you to know that you're not alone in all of us, all of us, all of us, not one, not two, not three, but all of us have been tempted. The Bible tells us to count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptation. For me, I count it all joy because I'm grateful that I know that God still has me. But I want you to know that you're not alone. It's okay. If you have fallen, I'm here to ask you to take my hand, get up. God forgives you, god still loves you, god adores you. You are needed, you are wanted, and God has greater for you. You are so important to the body of Christ. Every last one of us was called, appointed and anointed and gifted for God's purpose. What your purpose is is whatever is the most difficult for you If you find yourself not completing things, find out why. Ask God why. In the next three days. I am going to announce that experience in amazing transformation podcast. We will be standing together in prayer and fasting for what you're called to not falling tempted or not falling into diverse temptation, and staying. We are going to be fasting and praying for clarity, unity, understanding. We want to know your purpose. We want to know the vision for this year, the vision for your life, the vision for your family. We're going to be fasting and praying for vision and purpose, whether that's your finances, your business, your family, your marriage, your relationships, your job, your career, school. We're going to stand together because I want you to know that you are not alone.

Speaker 1:

This walk should not be easy. I was talking to my daughter the other day and I told her. I said, if the walk to heaven, the Bible tells us it's narrow, but because we are into this world, so in the churches and the families, we have gotten so far from God where we're allowing anything to go on in the church, we just are, because this is what we're saying to ourselves, because I was one of them. This is what we're saying oh, we got to get the youth in. This is how we're getting the youth in, this is how we'll get okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, god don't change. If we're bringing the world into the church and we're making that look appealing, that's not the road to God. The road to God shouldn't even look appealing. It should look like it's desired. It should look and I say desired. What I told my daughter I said desired, wrong word. What I told my daughter is that it should look clean. It should look clean. The things of this world are so appealing and they're desirable. I mean the nice looking man, the nice looking woman, the nice car, the nice house, the nice job all of that looks so beautiful. Right, it's appealing, it's desirable that the road to God, something in your heart, should want it, even if it's hard. That road should look good in heaven. And I'm not saying nice things down on earth because we pray those things. Lord, let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We want the streets paved with gold here. We want nice houses, we want our mansions, we want those things here.

Speaker 1:

But are you okay if you don't get it? Are you okay if it just goes away? Are you okay if God says okay, like he did with Joe? All right, test him See.

Speaker 1:

Will you be okay, because the road, the walk that I want to be on, the track that I want to be on, not many people are going to be on it because it don't look good, it don't feel good, it don't have a lot of friends y'all. It don't have a lot of family members. It doesn't have everything that the world makes us feel like we need. It doesn't. It doesn't have everything that the world makes us feel like we need. It doesn't. It doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel good to be corrected all the time if you're really honest with yourself. It doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel good to know that you're going an opposite way of your friends. It doesn't feel good to lose those around you to misunderstandings because you guys don't think the same anymore, because the path that you're on you realize they're not on. Oh well, I have these friends, these friends, this, yeah, do you? Are y'all really going down the same path? And, honestly, if you are, you might need to check your path. Yes, I said that I have to check mine every day. I have to check my motives every day. I have to ask God cleanse my heart every day, forgive me, every day.

Speaker 1:

This walk is not easy. This walk isn't something that you just wake up because you say, oh, I believe in God, I believe that Jesus died for my sins. It doesn't automatically become heaven. No, you still have to stay here on this earth. You are still tempted by the people around you. You are still have those same emotions.

Speaker 1:

If you were angry, before you have to talk to God every day until God helped me with my anger. If you were a liar, before you have to say God, help me not to lie. If you were a thief, before you have to ask God every single day God, help me not to steal Sorry. Is this something that we're not teaching each other? Is this something that no one is saying? Salvation is just like someone with an addiction that has to go to rehab. Yeah, just like it. This is a daily, daily conviction. This is a daily walk. This is a daily struggle, if you want to call it that.

Speaker 1:

You don't just wake up in waha no, no, no, sorry. You don't just snap your fingers and say, because I'm a Christian, now I'm a millionaire. No, you could say it as an affirmation over yourself. But as you're doing that as an affirmation, a motivation manifestation, as you're doing that, you're working behind the scenes. That's the part that people don't see. That's the part people don't talk about the difficulties every single day that this world brings, that this life brings, that this walk brings.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to deter you from being a follower of Christ. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because that's what I do. I wanna let you know that it's not easy and if you know it's not easy, you can admit it's not easy and click up with someone that's gonna hold you accountable and I don't mean that in an ugly ugly way. I mean, hey, it's okay, today you fail, it's all right. Grab my arm, I help you up. I mean really, really, really, someone that's gonna say, hey, don't do that. Hey, you did that again. It's okay, don't do it, no more. We'll try again tomorrow. Hey, uh-uh, you got mad again. It's okay, but it's not okay. It's not okay, you, it's really not okay. But tomorrow I want you to be a little stronger. Matter of fact, breathe now and we'll try again. Right now, because God's mercy and grace is renewed daily, but who knows if we're promised tomorrow? So I need you to try a little harder today.

Speaker 1:

That's why I wanna get together with my listeners. I wanna get together with my loved ones and do a true prayer and fasting. I wanna stand with those. I wanna stand with everyone right now because as I pray, I'm in constant prayer. The more I pray, the more difficult I'm finding temptation. Oh, yes, I said it, I'm even falling into temptation.

Speaker 1:

Yes, god moved me from something and I'm trying to go back and I know I trust God. I know I have crazy faith, but before Michael Todd came out with crazy faith people that know me I have had crazy faith. I am there where I'm like Lord. Lord, you said you're gonna do this now. Now I done seen you do some crazy stuff. I'm nervous, god, I'm scared. I ain't God, I'm not gonna worry, because you told me not to pray and worry. I'm not gonna worry about this thing now, but but counseling out that whole thing. So now I gotta go back and say Lord. I gotta go back in prayer and say Lord, forgive me for worrying, forgive me for putting that butt in there, because I didn't mean to put that butt or did I really mean to put? I meant to put that butt, lord, please forgive me. Now I gotta ask God to forgive me for putting that butt and say Lord, I won't worry.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for you. What you? What will you have me do as I look for you? What do you need me to do? Who do you need me to talk to? Who do you need me to bless? Who do you need me to go to? That I may be in your will, god, and if you don't show up, I'm shaking, I'm trembling and I'm telling you, god, I'm nervous and, if I can be honest, honest God, if I don't see you soon, I'm gonna go back. Lord, I need you Now. Okay, I ain't see you today, but I'm looking for you tomorrow. I'm telling you all my truth, and this is so many others truth. Sometimes you have to sit and be truthful with yourself. Lord, I trust you, but I'm scared. Lord, I trust you, but I'm nervous. Lord, I trust you. If you don't come, lord, you know I'm on edge. Whatever that edge is for you, I'm gonna be honest.

Speaker 1:

As a business owner, I'm trusting God to pay my bills. I'm trusting God to send people. I'm trusting God to send people to our store. I'm trusting God for people to listen to the podcast. I'm trusting God, y'all. I'm trusting God because that's how I Eat. That's how God is meeting the need just of this podcast to get it to pay for itself. And I'm nervous, yeah, but I'm trusting God, I'm trusting you, god. I'm not the only one.

Speaker 1:

I Met a young man the other day and he was so honest. Well, we were able to be honest with each other. He said I haven't, I haven't smoked, he hadn't done drugs and a day he was like all day I haven't done it. And I looked at him and I was like is it because you don't have any money to do it, or no, no, no, I, I'm, I'm, I'm stopping, I'm stopping. And then I saw him Two days later and he said I Didn't do it yesterday. I was clean for two days. I Wish I had a saw you early this morning, cuz I just couldn't hold out. I Just don't know if God is gonna even forgive me. I'm able now to say to him he will, he'll forgive you.

Speaker 1:

This walk is a daily thing, just Because my Need for God is in drugs, that that May not be mine. But worry Worrying about my finances, worrying about being around people. Some of y'all people pleases. Some of you guys battle jealousy every day. Y'all want to look like someone else. You want to be like someone else. You want hair, don't have hair you want, so you'll buy hair that look like Beyonce's or you go buy hair that look like Trump's. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying a little light humor, I'm just saying, guys, we don't know, we don't know what that, I don't know what that one thing is for you that you keep falling into. But I'm here to let you know that, as long as you're living, breathing, talking and you can say, lord, forgive me, I Want to do it again, god is giving you the opportunity to do it again if you have the desire to Live right by God. You love God so much in your heart and this, this, this walk, is just difficult. I Pray that God sends you an accountability partner, someone that you can literally be honest with, someone that you can be transparent with, someone that Won't hold things over your head but they'll actually show you love and kindness and patience and Understanding the exact thing that they need they show you. That's my prayer. That's my prayer Because we all need someone.

Speaker 1:

The Bible tells us fret not the assembly of one another. This is just my take on it when I'm studying. I believe that Is an accountability partner, especially when God says confess your sins one to another. My take on that is God wants us to have an accountability partner that's not going to shame us because people die in shame. Shame almost killed me. That is not of God. I Believe that God wants us to have an accountability partner that will love us enough To say okay, now Get on up.

Speaker 1:

All right, it's time to get up. All right, get on up. You don't have to sit there. No, get on up, it's a new day, let's try it again.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that church didn't work. All right, let's try again. That ministry didn't work. It's okay, let's try again. Ah, we're back in debt. That's okay, let's work on it this time and let's get some help.

Speaker 1:

That's how people get Financial advice. They get financial advisors because they finally admit hey, I Can't do this on my own. I Need somebody to say, hey, stick to this budget. See, I did that. I took you all the way back To what it means to not only have an accountability partner but someone that's going to help you Get to your purpose. That Accountability partner normally is the one that helps you get to your purpose, get to your destiny. You are meant to be debt-free. You are meant to be drug and alcohol free.

Speaker 1:

You do not need your circle to be the same people that's doing the exact same thing, that's trying to get out, but they don't know how. I Can't help you get out of something I've never gotten out of. That circle has to change. I'm so sorry but it's the truth. You can't take them with you Now. You can get out and go back and get them. You can if they're willing to get out. You can, but you got to get out. You got to get out of the spirit of procrastination. You got to get out of the mindset of I'm paralyzed. You got to get out of the mindset I'm living in fear. You got to get out of that mindset of my business won't work. No, it will Get out of the Remove yourself and ask God to send you a new circle, and I bet some of you guys have already started a new circle.

Speaker 1:

It may not look like you wanted to, because then people probably not even your type of people, because the circle I'm in now my gosh, they so outspoken now going out, out, out, out, out, out. They know who they are. It seems like these are different type of people. These are different type of people. And then I'm watching God send old people that are very successful and, being around my old circle, I wouldn't have even seen these people being in my own mind old mindset, I would never, I wouldn't have ever run into these people and it's like oh, wow, wow, oh, okay. So I think I'm off my soapbox. I just wanted to get all of that out, all of that out, guys.

Speaker 1:

I have been running from communicating for a little bit now. So today I forced myself to do what God has called me to do, and it will be done every day, by force, by force, guys, until it becomes a habit. I am choosing to be more disciplined in this area until it becomes such a enjoyable habit when I no longer have to worry if I'm going to say something. I'm going to say something If people listen and people don't listen. I'm going to do it because God called me to do it. I'm not going to do it for likes, smiles, giggles. No, I'm going to walk in my purpose because I'm supposed to. How about you? I hope so. I really really hope so. I believe you and I'm here to help. I'm here to help, encourage, help, hold accountable.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, we are going to do a three day prayer and fasting for purpose, vision, guidance, wisdom. It's important. It's so important to know where you're going, who you are and why you're doing it. Just like in a business, you need your purpose statement, your mission statement, your vision statement in a business plan. That's what we're going to be praying for for your life, standing in agreement for, for your life, my life. I believe it's time. It's time for us to step up, stand out, be different. If we're going to say you know, I have a story and it's experiencing amazing transformations, it's time for us to be transformed. It's time for us to share those experiences. It's time for us to share that wisdom. But you can't share it if you don't get out of it.

Speaker 1:

So I look forward to hearing from each of you. I look forward to you in India, you in Africa, you in Germany oh my God bless y'all. Oh, all over the world, all over this country. You in Shreveport, you in Bojur, you in Benton, winfield, mississippi, all of you guys. I look forward to hearing from you in Kentucky, illinois oh my God bless y'all. All of you. In Georgia, atlanta, albany, love y'all. I could, I could sit here and name all the cities. Right now I am going to post you guys on Instagram and on Facebook. My top city listeners. I ran. God bless you guys. We're praying for you guys constantly in China. Oh, god bless y'all for listening, because that has always been a desire of mine. So I say all that to say I'm looking forward to getting messages on my YouTube, on my Instagram, on my Facebook page, everywhere this this is about to be posted.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking forward to hearing what you're standing in the need of, what prayer you're needing, what is your thing that's keeping you from your purpose? What is your purpose? And have you been perverted? Have you been twisted? Have you been using it in a twist, twisted way? My public speakers, my, my good gentlemen, wonderful ladies, has someone helped pervert your gift, your anointing, and if so, let us turn it back over to God, and we can do that together in prayer.

Speaker 1:

I cannot wait to hear from you and I pray you guys have a wonderful night. Thanks for listening to me talk this long time about life and its trials, tribulations and the truths. We can do better together. God bless you guys. God bless you guys, each and every one of you. I pray that you have a wonderful day, night, evening, week, month year, prosperity, guidance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and purpose, while God is showing you his vision for your life and your family life. And I pray that no one takes for granted. No one takes for granted that tomorrow is not promised, and with choosing to do better today and not beat yourself up If it doesn't go the way that you think it should go, but give God glory for the way that it did go, because, who knows, that may have been the way God wanted it to go. May God bless each and every one of you and I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you really soon. Remember, watch us on Eat Podcast on YouTube. You can follow us on Eat Podcast on Facebook and Eat Podcast on Instagram and Eat Podcast on Twitter. X, I'm sorry, x. God bless you guys. Have a fantastic day. Bye, god bless.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I do feel like I was absolutely everywhere. I am very comfortable talking. I just have a lot to say and it is so difficult for someone like me to stick to one subject because I have so much to say. I have so much inside of me. I want to encourage everyone that comes around me and I don't know what God wants me to say to everyone I don't know in what time and what place will help everyone.

Speaker 1:

So my prayer is that whenever I'm speaking, let this encourage and be a blessing to someone, because I don't know what I'm doing alone. So, god, I'm begging you to stay before me, stay behind me, stay next to me, stay with me at all times. God, in my heart, I'm begging that you continue to cover me with your grace, your mercy, your patience, your love and your kindness. Lord, I'm begging you that you stay with me through this. In Jesus name, I'm praying for all those around me my family, my friends, my children. Keep us, we surrender our all and all to you. Our heart, our mind, our everything belongs to you. Don't leave us, don't forsake us. Help us Be kinder, gentler, wiser as we go forth in you. In Jesus name, I pray Amen.

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